Continuity of care in the management of pressure lesions: An information leaflet for hospital-territory collaboration

Submitted: July 20, 2020
Accepted: December 14, 2020
Published: March 17, 2021
Abstract Views: 2066
PDF (Italiano): 876
PDF: 57
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The project consists in the creation of a leaflet in which are explained the main information regarding the management of patients with Pressure Lesions (PL). The concepts explained underlie the course of treatment and are addressed to inexperienced readers. Considering the public needs to assist this kind of patients, it was considered necessary to create something that improves the know-how of an informal caregiver, who is frequently the one who dress the medication. The goal is to give an easy, and safe, learning method for citizens who take care of the patient management and of his medications; always considering the support of specialists. The targets of the project are: evaluate and visualize the major aspects of PL (definition, prevention, classification and treatment); the importance of the continuity of care for this kind of patient; to inform the citizen about pressure injuries (which daily measures have to be taken to prevent the condition to getting worse or stationary) and, in the end, the actual treatment through teaching advanced dressing and their application in different situations (explained in a simplified way because it's a vast argument which represent a sub-specialty in nursing and the aim is to give fundamental and useful information). For the creation of the brochure the scientific literature was analyzed and two guidelines, eleven articles and two texts have been consulted.



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How to Cite

Farì, M., Mercuri , M. ., & Scalise , A. . (2021). Continuity of care in the management of pressure lesions: An information leaflet for hospital-territory collaboration. Italian Journal of Wound Care, 5(1).

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