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The Italian Journal of Wound Care (IJWC) is the definitive wound-care journal and the leading source of up-to-date research and clinical information on everything related to tissue viability. Published quarterly, the journal's international audience includes nurses, doctors and researchers specialising in wound management and tissue viability, as well as generalists wishing to enhance their practice.
In addition to cutting edge and state-of-the-art research and practice articles, IJWC also covers topics related to wound-care management, education and novel therapies, as well as cases supplements, a supplement dedicated solely to case reports and case series in wound care. All articles are rigorously peer-reviewed by a panel of international experts, comprised of clinicians, nurses and researchers. This journal has no publication chares, as it i funded by private entities.

This journal has no Article Processing Charges.

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New Articles

  • Impact of the wound hygiene concept on wound contraction: an experience by ‘Vulnologia ASL3 Regione Liguria’

    Deborah Cesura Granara , Anna Baxa, Cinzia Viaggi, Cristina Pruzzo, Giorgia Piana, Giorgio Badino, Miriam Roccaforte, Silvia Pienovi, Tiziana Zuliani, Marco Marchelli, Giuseppe Perniciaro, Carmelo Gagliano, Luigi Carlo Bottaro
    PDF: 42
    PDF (Italiano): 140
  • Can the Braden scale predict the development of pressure injuries in intensive care?

    Andrea Pazzini, Barbara Biselli, Chiara Vannini, Elisabetta Fabbri, Felice Falabella, Maria Giulia Santandrea, Marianna Marziliano, Nicole Gagliardi, Sara Di Giandomenico, Simona Scotto di Minico, Vito Di Biasi
    PDF: 72
    PDF (Italiano): 112
  • Evaluation study of the UCS® Debridement medical device in the treatment of chronic skin lesions

    Francesco Giacinto, Elisabetta Giacinto, Mario Giacinto
    PDF: 106
    PDF (Italiano): 294
    Supplementary materials: 23
    Materiali supplementari (Italiano): 44
  • Use of the Lumiheal device in the treatment of contaminated wounds

    Elia Ricci, Monica Pittarello
    PDF: 139
    Supplementary Materials (Italiano): 27
  • Relational and psychological problems in venous ulcer therapy: questions and answers

    Alberto Garavello, Orazio Caudullo, Paola Fiamma, Enrico Oliva, Ginevra Oliva
    PDF (Italiano): 143
    PDF: 37
  • Use of ROS-releasing dressing in the management of postexposure reflected sunlight injury on complex post-extraction mirror

    Elisa Marinelli, Sara Sandroni, Eleonora Salutini
    PDF (Italiano): 204
  • Prevention of surgical site infections in gynecology and obstetrics:a literature review and proposed management algorithm

    Alessandra Surace, Jessica Mauro, Elisa Tripodi, Stefania Perotto, Chiara Borghi, Sara Paracchini, Manuela Scatà, Alessandro Antonio Buda
    PDF (Italiano): 187