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Found 10 items.
I.S.U.S. PROJECT (ITALIAN SKIN ULCER STUDY) (1 January 2015-31 December 2016). Final data
Published: March 13, 20172080PDF: 730PDF (Italiano): 693 -
A quality monitoring system in the management of pressure injuries at home. Prospective observational cohort study within a Home Care Provider
Published: January 24, 2025114PDF: 100 -
Continuity of care in the management of pressure lesions: An information leaflet for hospital-territory collaboration
Published: March 17, 20212066PDF (Italiano): 876PDF: 57 -
Experience of the vulnology team during COVID-19 period
Published: December 14, 2023207PDF (Italiano): 61PDF: 27 -
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and negative pressure wound therapy in the treatment of non-healing wounds
Published: September 27, 20181821PDF (Italiano): 875 -
Kennedy’s terminal ulcer and pressure injury: two different aspects of medical liability related to the same injury
Published: July 25, 2023691PDF: 277PDF (Italiano): 271 -
Conversation Mapâ„¢: a tool for the education of the caregiver on the prevention of pressure ulcers
Published: September 27, 20181171PDF (Italiano): 881 -
Can the Braden scale predict the development of pressure injuries in intensive care?
Published: December 14, 2023411PDF: 72PDF (Italiano): 112 -
Use of photobiomodulation with blue light in the treatment of ulcers of various etiology in spinal cord injured patients: a case series
Published: July 25, 2023399PDF: 87PDF (Italiano): 135 -
Impact of the wound hygiene concept on wound contraction: an experience by ‘Vulnologia ASL3 Regione Liguria’
Published: December 14, 2023235PDF: 42PDF (Italiano): 140
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